Hast Table - Dictionary
Submit your dictionary here using a hash table.
Example Code
// Importing necessary namespaces for handling collections
using System; // Basic namespace for console input/output and other fundamental operations
using System.Collections; // To use Hashtable, a collection type for key-value pairs
class Program
// Creating a Hashtable to store key-value pairs
static Hashtable dictionary = new Hashtable(); // Hashtable for storing dictionary entries with keys and values
// Method to add a word and its meaning to the dictionary
static void AddWord(string word, string meaning)
// Check if the word already exists in the dictionary
if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(word)) // If the word is not already in the dictionary
dictionary.Add(word, meaning); // Add the word and its meaning to the dictionary
Console.WriteLine($"Added '{word}' to the dictionary."); // Inform the user that the word was added
Console.WriteLine($"'{word}' already exists in the dictionary."); // If the word is already present, inform the user
// Method to search for a word in the dictionary
static void SearchWord(string word)
// Check if the word exists in the dictionary
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(word)) // If the word is found in the dictionary
// Retrieve and display the meaning of the word
Console.WriteLine($"{word}: {dictionary[word]}"); // Display the meaning of the word
Console.WriteLine($"'{word}' not found in the dictionary."); // If the word doesn't exist, inform the user
// Main program method to interact with the user and manage the dictionary
static void Main(string[] args)
// Add some words to the dictionary
AddWord("Apple", "A round fruit with red or green skin and a whitish interior.");
AddWord("Banana", "A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.");
AddWord("Computer", "An electronic device for storing and processing data.");
// Ask the user to input a word to search
Console.Write("Enter a word to search in the dictionary: ");
string wordToSearch = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the user's input for the word to search
// Search and display the meaning of the entered word
SearchWord(wordToSearch); // Call the SearchWord method to find and display the meaning
// Optionally, display the entire dictionary (all words and their meanings)
Console.WriteLine("\nFull Dictionary:");
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary) // Iterate over all entries in the dictionary
Console.WriteLine($"{entry.Key}: {entry.Value}"); // Display each word and its meaning