Function modify a letter in a string C# Exercise - C# Programming Course




Function modify a letter in a string


Write a C# function named "ChangeChar" to modify a letter in a certain position (0 based) of a string, replacing it with a different letter:

string sentence = "Tomato";
ChangeChar(ref sentence, 5, "a");

 Example Code

// Importing the System namespace to access basic system functions
using System;

class Program
    // Function to modify a character in a string at a given position
    public static void ChangeChar(ref string str, int position, string newChar)
        // Convert the string into a character array (since strings are immutable in C#)
        char[] charArray = str.ToCharArray();

        // Replace the character at the specified position with the new character
        charArray[position] = newChar[0]; // newChar is assumed to be a single character string

        // Convert the character array back to a string and update the original string
        str = new string(charArray);

    // Main method where the ChangeChar function is called
    public static void Main()
        // Original string
        string sentence = "Tomato";

        // Call the ChangeChar function to change the character at position 5 to 'a'
        ChangeChar(ref sentence, 5, "a");

        // Print the modified string
        Console.WriteLine("Modified string: " + sentence);

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