Password 5 attempts
Write a C# program that prompts the user for their username and password. Both should be strings. After 5 incorrect attempts, the user will be rejected.
Example Code
using System; // Import the System namespace to use basic classes like Console
class Program // Define the main class of the program
static void Main() // The entry point of the program
string username; // Declare a variable to store the username
string password; // Declare a variable to store the password
int attempts = 0; // Variable to count the number of incorrect attempts
// Allow a maximum of 5 attempts
while (attempts < 5)
// Ask the user for their username
Console.Write("Enter your username: ");
username = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the username input from the user
// Ask the user for their password
Console.Write("Enter your password: ");
password = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the password input from the user
// Check if the username and password are correct
if (username == "username" && password == "password") // If both are correct
Console.WriteLine("Welcome! You have successfully logged in."); // Display a welcome message
return; // Exit the program successfully
else // If the username or password is incorrect
attempts++; // Increment the number of attempts
Console.WriteLine("Invalid username or password. Attempts left: " + (5 - attempts)); // Display error message and remaining attempts
// If the user reaches 5 incorrect attempts, display a rejection message
Console.WriteLine("You have been rejected after 5 incorrect attempts.");