Computer programs
Write a C# program that can store up to 1000 records of computer programs. For each program, you must keep the following data:
* Name
* Category
* Description
* Version (is a set of 3 data: version number -text-, launch month -byte- and launch year -unsigned short-)
The program should allow the user the following operations:
1 - Add data of a new program (the name must not be empty, category must not be more than 30 letters (or should be re-entered), and for the description, it will accept only the first 100 letters entered and skip the rest; the version needs no validation).
2 - Show the names of all the stored programs. Each name must appear on one line. If there are more than 20 programs, you must pause after displaying each block of 20 programs, and wait for the user to press Enter before proceeding. The user should be notified if there is no data.
3 - View all data for a certain program (from part of its name, category or description, case sensitive). If there are several programs that contain that text, the program will display all of them, separated by a blank line. The user should be notified if there are no matches found.
4 - Update a record (asking the user for the number, the program will display the previous value of each field, and the user can press Enter not to modify any of the data). He should be warned (but not asked again) if he enters an incorrect record number. It is not necessary to validate any of the fields.
5 - Delete a record, whose number will be indicated by the user. He should be warned (but not asked again) if he enters an incorrect number.
6 - Sort the data alphabetically by name.
7 - Fix redundant spaces (turn all the sequences of two or more spaces into a single space, only in the name, for all existing records).
X - Exit the application (as we do not store the information, data will be lost).
Example Code
using System; // Importing the System namespace for accessing Console, Math, and other functionalities
using System.Collections.Generic; // Importing the Collections.Generic namespace to use Comparer
class Program
// Define the Program struct to store the program details
struct ProgramRecord
public string Name; // The name of the program
public string Category; // The category of the program
public string Description; // A brief description of the program
public (string VersionNumber, byte LaunchMonth, ushort LaunchYear) Version; // The version of the program, including version number, launch month, and launch year
static void Main()
// Create an array to hold up to 1000 program records
ProgramRecord[] programs = new ProgramRecord[1000];
int programCount = 0; // Keeps track of how many programs have been added
while (true) // Infinite loop to keep the menu running until the user chooses to exit
Console.WriteLine("Program Management System"); // Display the system title
Console.WriteLine("1 - Add a new program"); // Option to add a new program
Console.WriteLine("2 - Show all program names"); // Option to show all program names
Console.WriteLine("3 - View details of a program"); // Option to view detailed information of a program
Console.WriteLine("4 - Update a record"); // Option to update an existing program record
Console.WriteLine("5 - Delete a record"); // Option to delete a program record
Console.WriteLine("6 - Sort by program name"); // Option to sort programs alphabetically by name
Console.WriteLine("7 - Fix redundant spaces in names"); // Option to fix redundant spaces in program names
Console.WriteLine("X - Exit"); // Option to exit the program
Console.Write("Enter an option: "); // Prompt the user to select an option
string choice = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the user's choice
switch (choice.ToUpper()) // Convert the choice to uppercase and process it
case "1":
// Adding a new program
if (programCount >= 1000) // Check if the program limit has been reached
Console.WriteLine("Error: Program limit reached."); // Inform the user if the program limit is reached
break; // Exit the case if the limit is reached
// Get program details from the user
string name;
Console.Write("Enter program name: "); // Prompt the user for the program name
name = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the program name from the user input
} while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)); // Keep asking until the user enters a valid name
string category;
Console.Write("Enter category (max 30 characters): "); // Prompt the user for the program category
category = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the category
} while (category.Length > 30); // Keep asking if the category is longer than 30 characters
Console.Write("Enter description (max 100 characters): "); // Prompt the user for the program description
string description = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the description
if (description.Length > 100) description = description.Substring(0, 100); // Trim the description if it's longer than 100 characters
Console.Write("Enter version number: "); // Prompt for the version number
string versionNumber = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the version number
Console.Write("Enter launch month (1-12): "); // Prompt for the launch month
byte launchMonth = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Read and parse the launch month
Console.Write("Enter launch year: "); // Prompt for the launch year
ushort launchYear = ushort.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Read and parse the launch year
// Store the program details in the programs array
programs[programCount] = new ProgramRecord
Name = name,
Category = category,
Description = description,
Version = (versionNumber, launchMonth, launchYear) // Store version details as a tuple
programCount++; // Increment the count of added programs
Console.WriteLine("Program added successfully!"); // Inform the user that the program has been added
case "2":
// Displaying all program names
if (programCount == 0) // Check if there are no programs stored
Console.WriteLine("No programs stored."); // Inform the user that no programs exist
break; // Exit the case if there are no programs
int index = 0; // Initialize the index for program names display
while (index < programCount) // Loop through all programs
for (int i = index; i < Math.Min(index + 20, programCount); i++) // Display 20 programs at a time
Console.WriteLine(programs[i].Name); // Display the program name
if (index + 20 < programCount) // Check if there are more programs to display
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to see the next 20 programs..."); // Prompt the user to see more programs
Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for the user to press Enter
index += 20; // Move the index to the next 20 programs
case "3":
// Viewing program details
Console.Write("Enter part of the name, category, or description to search: "); // Prompt the user to search
string searchQuery = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); // Read and convert the search query to lowercase
bool found = false; // Flag to check if any program matches the search query
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
// Check if any part of the program matches the search query
if (programs[i].Name.ToLower().Contains(searchQuery) ||
programs[i].Category.ToLower().Contains(searchQuery) ||
// Display the program details if a match is found
Console.WriteLine($"Program {i + 1}:");
Console.WriteLine($" Name: {programs[i].Name}");
Console.WriteLine($" Category: {programs[i].Category}");
Console.WriteLine($" Description: {programs[i].Description}");
Console.WriteLine($" Version: {programs[i].Version.VersionNumber}, {programs[i].Version.LaunchMonth}/{programs[i].Version.LaunchYear}");
found = true; // Set the flag to true if a match is found
if (!found) // If no match was found, inform the user
Console.WriteLine("No matching program found.");
case "4":
// Updating a program record
Console.Write("Enter the program name to update: "); // Prompt the user for the program name to update
string nameToUpdate = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the name of the program to update
bool updated = false; // Flag to check if the program was updated
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
if (programs[i].Name.Equals(nameToUpdate, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if the program name matches
// Get new program details from the user
Console.Write("Enter new program name: ");
programs[i].Name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter new category: ");
programs[i].Category = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter new description: ");
programs[i].Description = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter new version number: ");
programs[i].Version = (Console.ReadLine(), byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine()), ushort.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
updated = true; // Set flag to true if the program was updated
Console.WriteLine("Program updated successfully!");
if (!updated) // If the program was not found, inform the user
Console.WriteLine("Program not found.");
case "5":
// Deleting a program record
Console.Write("Enter the program name to delete: "); // Prompt the user for the program name to delete
string nameToDelete = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the name of the program to delete
bool deleted = false; // Flag to check if the program was deleted
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
if (programs[i].Name.Equals(nameToDelete, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if the program name matches
// Shift all subsequent programs one position to the left
for (int j = i; j < programCount - 1; j++)
programs[j] = programs[j + 1];
programCount--; // Decrease the program count
deleted = true; // Set the flag to true if the program was deleted
Console.WriteLine("Program deleted successfully!");
if (!deleted) // If the program was not found, inform the user
Console.WriteLine("Program not found.");
case "6":
// Sorting programs by name
Array.Sort(programs, 0, programCount, Comparer.Create((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name))); // Sort the programs by name
Console.WriteLine("Programs sorted by name.");
case "7":
// Fixing redundant spaces in program names
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
programs[i].Name = programs[i].Name.Trim(); // Remove leading and trailing spaces
programs[i].Name = string.Join(" ", programs[i].Name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); // Remove extra spaces between words
Console.WriteLine("Redundant spaces removed.");
case "X":
return; // Exit the program when the user enters 'X'
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option, try again."); // Inform the user if an invalid option is selected
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to return to the menu..."); // Prompt the user to press Enter to go back to the menu
Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for the user to press Enter