Clase Formas
Con Visual Studio, cree un proyecto y las clases correspondientes (con varios archivos) para este diagrama de clases.
Código de Ejemplo
// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;
// Define the main class containing all shape-related classes
public class ShapesDemo
// Define the base class Shape as an abstract class
public abstract class Shape
// Define an abstract method to calculate area (must be implemented in derived classes)
public abstract double GetArea();
// Define an abstract method to calculate perimeter (must be implemented in derived classes)
public abstract double GetPerimeter();
// Define a virtual method to display shape details (can be overridden in derived classes)
public virtual void Display()
// Print a general message about the shape
Console.WriteLine("This is a shape.");
// Define the Rectangle class, inheriting from Shape
public class Rectangle : Shape
// Declare private fields for the width and height of the rectangle
private double width;
private double height;
// Define a constructor to initialize width and height
public Rectangle(double width, double height)
// Assign width and height parameters to the respective fields
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
// Override the GetArea method to calculate the area of the rectangle
public override double GetArea()
// Return the area calculated as width * height
return width * height;
// Override the GetPerimeter method to calculate the perimeter of the rectangle
public override double GetPerimeter()
// Return the perimeter calculated as 2 * (width + height)
return 2 * (width + height);
// Override the Display method to show details specific to the rectangle
public override void Display()
// Print details about the rectangle, including area and perimeter
Console.WriteLine("Rectangle: ");
Console.WriteLine("Width: " + width);
Console.WriteLine("Height: " + height);
Console.WriteLine("Area: " + GetArea());
Console.WriteLine("Perimeter: " + GetPerimeter());
// Define the Circle class, inheriting from Shape
public class Circle : Shape
// Declare a private field for the radius of the circle
private double radius;
// Define a constructor to initialize the radius
public Circle(double radius)
// Assign the radius parameter to the radius field
this.radius = radius;
// Override the GetArea method to calculate the area of the circle
public override double GetArea()
// Return the area calculated as π * radius * radius
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
// Override the GetPerimeter method to calculate the perimeter of the circle
public override double GetPerimeter()
// Return the perimeter calculated as 2 * π * radius
return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
// Override the Display method to show details specific to the circle
public override void Display()
// Print details about the circle, including area and perimeter
Console.WriteLine("Circle: ");
Console.WriteLine("Radius: " + radius);
Console.WriteLine("Area: " + GetArea());
Console.WriteLine("Perimeter: " + GetPerimeter());
// Define the main entry point of the program
public static void Main()
// Create a Rectangle object with specified width and height
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(5, 10);
// Display the details of the rectangle
// Create a Circle object with a specified radius
Circle circle = new Circle(7);
// Display the details of the circle