Varias tablas de multiplicación (usa do while)
Muestre las tablas de multiplicar del 2 al 6, usando "do while"
Código de Ejemplo
using System; // Importing the System namespace to use Console functionalities
class Program
// Main method where the program execution begins
static void Main()
int i = 2; // Variable to iterate through numbers 2 to 6
int j; // Variable for the multiplication factor (1 to 10)
// Outer do...while loop for the numbers 2 to 6
j = 1; // Resetting the multiplication factor for each table
// Printing the multiplication table for the current number (i)
Console.WriteLine($"Multiplication Table for {i}:");
// Inner do...while loop for multiplying the current number (i) by 1 to 10
// Displaying the current multiplication result
Console.WriteLine($"{i} x {j} = {i * j}");
j++; // Incrementing the multiplication factor
while (j <= 10); // Continue until multiplication factor is 10
Console.WriteLine(); // Adding a blank line for separation between tables
i++; // Incrementing the number for the next multiplication table
while (i <= 6); // Continue until the number reaches 6