Escriba un programa en Visual Basic para pedir al usuario un número y luego muestre un rectángulo de 3 columnas de ancho y 5 filas de alto usando ese dígito. Por ejemplo:
Introduzca un dígito: 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
' Import the System namespace to use Console class
Imports System
Public Class Program
' Main subroutine, entry point of the program
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Ask the user to input a digit
Console.Write("Enter a digit: ")
' Read the user's input and convert it to an integer
Dim digit As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
' Print the top row of the rectangle
Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}{0}", digit) ' 3 columns wide
' Print the middle rows of the rectangle
For i As Integer = 0 To 2 ' 3 rows in the middle
Console.WriteLine("{0} {0}", digit) ' 3 columns with space in between
' Print the bottom row of the rectangle
Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}{0}", digit) ' 3 columns wide
End Sub
End Class