Base de datos de ciudades
Cree una base de datos para almacenar información sobre las ciudades.
En un primer acercamiento, almacenaremos solo el nombre de cada ciudad y el número de habitantes, y asignaremos espacio para hasta 500 ciudades.
El menú debe incluir las siguientes opciones:
1.- Añadir una nueva ciudad (al final de los datos existentes)
2.- Ver todas las ciudades (nombre y habitantes)
3.- Modificar un registro (renombrar y/o cambiar número de habitantes)
4.- Insertar un nuevo registro (en una posición especificada, moviendo los siguientes a la derecha)
5.- Eliminar un registro (moviendo los siguientes a la izquierda para que no queden espacios vacíos)
6.- Buscar en los registros (mostrar los que contienen un determinado texto en su nombre, ya sea en mayúsculas o minúsculas, mediante búsqueda parcial)
7.- Corregir la mayúscula de los nombres (convertir en mayúscula la primera letra y las siguientes después de un espacio, y hacer el resto en minúsculas).
0.- Salida
Imports System
Public Class exercise86
Structure city
Public name As String
Public inhabitants As UInteger
End Structure
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim maxCities As Integer = 500
Dim cities As city() = New city(maxCities - 1) {}
Dim amount As Integer = 0
Dim currentCityNumber As Integer
Dim [option] As String
Dim textToSearch As String
Dim found As Boolean
Dim textToModify As String
Dim finished As Boolean = False
Console.WriteLine("Cities database")
Console.WriteLine("1.- Add a new city")
Console.WriteLine("2.- View all cities")
Console.WriteLine("3.- Modify a record")
Console.WriteLine("4.- Insert a new record")
Console.WriteLine("5.- Delete a record")
Console.WriteLine("6.- Search in the records")
Console.WriteLine("7.- Correct the capitalization of the names")
Console.WriteLine("0.- Exit")
Console.Write("Choose an option: ")
[option] = Console.ReadLine()
Select Case [option]
Case "0"
finished = True
Case "1"
If amount > maxCities - 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("the database is full")
Console.WriteLine("Entering data for city number {0}", amount + 1)
Console.Write("Enter the city name: ")
cities(amount).name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter the inhabitants numbers: ")
cities(amount).inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine())
Console.WriteLine("The data was entered correctly")
amount += 1
End If
Case "2"
For i As Integer = 0 To amount - 1
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, {2} inhabitants", i + 1, cities(i).name, cities(i).inhabitants)
Case "3"
Console.Write("Enter the city number: ")
currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
Console.WriteLine("Enter a new data for a city number: {0}", currentCityNumber)
Console.Write("City name (was {0}; hit ENTER to leave as is): ", cities(currentCityNumber - 1).name)
textToModify = Console.ReadLine()
If textToModify <> "" Then cities(currentCityNumber - 1).name = textToModify
Console.Write("Inhabitants (was {0}; hit ENTER to leave as is): ", cities(currentCityNumber - 1).inhabitants)
textToModify = Console.ReadLine()
If textToModify <> "" Then cities(currentCityNumber - 1).inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(textToModify)
Case "4"
If amount > maxCities - 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("The database is full")
Console.Write("Enter the number of the city to modify: ")
currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
Console.WriteLine("Insert a new data at {0} position: ", currentCityNumber)
amount += 1
For i As Integer = CInt(amount) To currentCityNumber - 1 + 1
cities(i) = cities(i - 1)
Console.Write("City name: ")
cities(currentCityNumber - 1).name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Inhabitants: ")
cities(currentCityNumber - 1).inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine())
End If
Case "5"
Console.Write("Enter the city number for delete: ")
currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
Console.WriteLine("Deleting the number {0}", currentCityNumber)
For i As Integer = currentCityNumber - 1 To amount - 1
cities(i) = cities(i + 1)
amount -= 1
Case "6"
Console.Write("Enter the text to search: ")
textToSearch = Console.ReadLine()
found = False
For i As Integer = 0 To amount - 1
If cities(i).name.ToUpper().IndexOf(textToSearch.ToUpper()) >= 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} found in {1}", textToSearch, cities(i).name)
found = True
End If
If Not found Then Console.WriteLine("Not found.")
Case "7"
For i As Integer = 0 To amount - 1
Dim lowerCaseName As String = cities(i).name.ToLower()
Dim correctedName As String = lowerCaseName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() & lowerCaseName.Substring(1)
For j As Integer = 1 To correctedName.Length - 2 - 1
If correctedName(j) = " "c Then correctedName = correctedName.Substring(0, j) & " " & correctedName.Substring(j + 1, 1).ToUpper() & correctedName.Substring(j + 2)
cities(i).name = correctedName
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("Wrong option ")
End Select
Loop While Not finished
End Sub
End Class