Function power local variables
Write a java function named "Power" to calculate the result of raising an integer number to another (positive integer) number. It must return another integer number. For example. Power(2,3) should return 8.
Note: You MUST use a repetitive structure, such as "for " or "while", you cannot use Math.Pow.
Example Code
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
int number;
int exponent;
System.out.print("Base: ");
number = Integer.parseInt(new Scanner(System.in).nextLine());
System.out.print("Exponent: ");
exponent = Integer.parseInt(new Scanner(System.in).nextLine());
System.out.printf("%1$s^%2$s=%3$s" + "\r\n", number, exponent, Power(number, exponent));
public static int Power(int number, int exponent)
int result = 1;