SQL to text
You must create a java program that is capable of parsing SQL INSERT commands and extracting their data into separate lines of text, as follows. If the input file contains these three lines:
INSERT INTO people (name, address, age) VALUES ("smith, pedro", "your street", 23);
INSERT INTO people (name, address, age) VALUES ("juan", "calle cinco, 6", 24);
INSERT INTO cities (code, name) VALUES ("a", "alicante");
The resulting file should have on each line the name of a field, followed by a colon and its value. In addition, each record must be preceded by the name of the table and followed by a blank line, like this:
Table: people
name: smith, pedro
address: your street
age: 23
Table: people
name: juan
address: calle cinco, 6
age: 24
Table: cities
code: a
name: alicante
Example Code
package SQL2text;
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
java.io.FileReader ficheroEntrada = null;
String linea;
String nombre;
System.out.println("Not enough parameters!");
System.out.print("Enter file name: ");
nombre = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
ficheroEntrada = new java.io.FileReader(nombre);
catch (RuntimeException e)
linea = ficheroEntrada.ReadLine();
if (linea != null)
String tableName = linea.substring(12).split("[ ]", -1)[0];
String[] campo = tangible.StringHelper.substring(linea, linea.indexOf("(") + 1, linea.indexOf(")") - linea.indexOf("(") - 1).split("[,]", -1);
String[] valores = tangible.StringHelper.substring(linea, linea.indexOf("values (") + 9, linea.indexOf(");") - linea.indexOf("values (") - 9).split("[,]", -1);
for (int i = 0; i < campo.length; i++)
System.out.print(campo[i].trim() + ": ");
System.out.println(valores[i].trim().replace("'", ""));
} while (linea != null);
catch (RuntimeException e)
new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();