Sitemap creator Java Exercise - Java Programming Course


Sitemap creator


A "sitemap" is a file that webmasters can use to inform Google about the webpages that their website includes, with the aim of achieving better search engine rankings.

You must create a program that displays the contents of a preliminary "sitemap" on the screen. The sitemap should be generated from the list of ".html" files in the current folder, with a "weekly" frequency and the current date as the "last modification" date.

 Example Code

import java.util.*;
public class Main
	static void main(String[] args)
		ArrayList ListHtml = GetHtml();

		CreateSiteMap(ListHtml, "weekly",;

	private static void CreateSiteMap(ArrayList listHtml, String frecuency, java.time.LocalDateTime lastUpdated)
		{ writer = new"sitemap.xml"));

			writer.write("" + System.lineSeparator());
			writer.write("" + System.lineSeparator());

			for (String html : listHtml)
				writer.write("" + System.lineSeparator());
				writer.write("" + html + "" + System.lineSeparator());
				writer.write("" + lastUpdated.ToShortDateString() + "" + System.lineSeparator());
				writer.write("" + frecuency + "" + System.lineSeparator());
				writer.write("" + System.lineSeparator());

			writer.write("" + System.lineSeparator());

		catch (java.lang.Exception e)
			System.out.println("Error writing sitemap.");

	private static ArrayList GetHtml()
		ArrayList ListHtml = new List();

		String[] files = (new".")).list(;

		for (String file : files)
			String extension = Path.GetExtension(file);

			switch (extension)
				case ".html":
				case ".htm":

		return ListHtml;

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