Array of struct and menu Java Exercise - Java Programming Course


Array of struct and menu


Write a java program that expand the previous exercise (array of points), so that it displays a menu, in which the user can choose to:

- Add data for one point
- Display all the entered points
- Calculate (and display) the average values for x and y
- Exit the program

 Example Code

import java.util.*;
public class Main
	private final static class points
		public byte x;
		public byte y;

		public points clone()
			points varCopy = new points();

			varCopy.x = this.x;
			varCopy.y = this.y;

			return varCopy;

	public static void main(String[] args)
		points[] p = new points[1000];
		boolean Finish = false;
		int countArray = 0;
		int TotalX = 0;
		int TotalY = 0;
			System.out.println("1.Add data for one point");
			System.out.println("2.Display all the entered points");
			System.out.println("3.Calculate (and display) the average values for x and y");
			System.out.println("0.Exit the program");
			System.out.print("Enter a number: ");

			byte respuesta = Byte.parseByte(new Scanner(;
			switch (respuesta)
				case 1:
					System.out.print("Enter a number for point x: ");
					p[countArray].x = Byte.parseByte(new Scanner(;
					TotalX += p[countArray].x;
					System.out.print("Enter a number for point y: ");
					p[countArray].y = Byte.parseByte(new Scanner(;
					TotalY += p[countArray].y;
				case 2:
					if (countArray > 0)
						for (int i = 0; i < countArray; i++)
							System.out.printf("Valor x%1$s: %2$s" + "\r\n", i + 1, p[i].x);
							System.out.printf("Valor y%1$s: %2$s" + "\r\n", i + 1, p[i].y);
						System.out.println("No hay datos");
				case 3:
					if (countArray > 0)
						System.out.printf("Average x: %1$s" + "\r\n", TotalX / countArray);
						System.out.printf("Average y: %1$s" + "\r\n", TotalY / countArray);
						System.out.println("No hay datos");
				case 0:
					Finish = true;
		} while (!Finish);

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