Rectangle VB.Net Exercise - Visual Basic Programming Course




Write a Visual Basic (VB.Net) program to ask the user for a number and then display a rectangle 3 columns wide and 5 rows tall using that digit. For example:

Enter a digit: 3
3 3
3 3
3 3


' Import the System namespace to use Console class
Imports System

Public Class Program
    ' Main subroutine, entry point of the program
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Ask the user to input a digit
        Console.Write("Enter a digit: ")
        ' Read the user's input and convert it to an integer
        Dim digit As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())

        ' Print the top row of the rectangle
        Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}{0}", digit)  ' 3 columns wide

        ' Print the middle rows of the rectangle
        For i As Integer = 0 To 2  ' 3 rows in the middle
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {0}", digit)  ' 3 columns with space in between

        ' Print the bottom row of the rectangle
        Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}{0}", digit)  ' 3 columns wide
    End Sub
End Class

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