Cities - persistence VB.Net Exercise - Visual Basic Programming Course


Cities - persistence


Create a new version of the "cities database", using persistence to store its data instead of text files.


Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Namespace PersistenceCities
    Class City
        Private name As String
        Private inhabitants As UInteger

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal inhabitants As UInteger)
   = name
            Me.inhabitants = inhabitants
        End Sub

        Public Property Name As String
                Return name
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                name = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property Inhabitants As UInteger
                Return inhabitants
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As UInteger)
                inhabitants = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
End Namespace

Namespace PersistenceCities
    Class Serializador
        Private nombre As String

        Public Sub New(ByVal nombreFich As String)
            nombre = nombreFich
        End Sub

        Public Sub Guardar(ByVal objeto As City)
            Dim formatter As IFormatter = New BinaryFormatter()
            Dim stream As Stream = New FileStream(nombre, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
            formatter.Serialize(stream, objeto)
        End Sub

        Public Function Cargar() As City()
            Dim objeto As City
            Dim formatter As IFormatter = New BinaryFormatter()
            Dim stream As Stream = New FileStream(nombre, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
            objeto = CType(formatter.Deserialize(stream), City)
            Return objeto
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

Namespace PersistenceCities
    Class Program
        Private Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
            Dim cities As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
            Dim currentCityNumber As Integer
            Dim [option] As String
            Dim textToSearch As String
            Dim found As Boolean
            Dim textToModify As String
            Dim finished As Boolean = False
            Dim line As String
            Dim city As City() = New City(1999) {}
            Dim count As Integer = 0

            If File.Exists("data.dat") Then
                Dim s As Serializador = New Serializador("data.dat")
                city = CType(s.Cargar(), City())
            End If

                Console.WriteLine("Cities database")
                Console.WriteLine("1.- Add a new city")
                Console.WriteLine("2.- View all cities")
                Console.WriteLine("3.- Modify a record")
                Console.WriteLine("4.- Insert a new record")
                Console.WriteLine("5.- Delete a record")
                Console.WriteLine("6.- Search in the records")
                Console.WriteLine("7.- Correct the capitalization of the names")
                Console.WriteLine("0.- Exit")
                Console.Write("Choose an option: ")
                [option] = Console.ReadLine()

                Select Case [option]
                    Case "0"
                        finished = True
                    Case "1"
                        Console.WriteLine("Entering data for city number {0}", cities.Count + 1)
                        Console.Write("Enter the city name: ")
                        Dim newcity As City = New City()
                        newcity.Name = Console.ReadLine()
                        Console.Write("Enter the inhabitants numbers: ")
                        newcity.Inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        Console.WriteLine("The data was entered correctly")
                    Case "2"

                        For i As Integer = 0 To cities.Count - 1
                            currentCity = CType(cities(i), city)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, {2} inhabitants", i + 1,, currentCity.inhabitants)

                    Case "3"
                        Console.Write("Enter the city number: ")
                        currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        currentCity = CType(cities(currentCityNumber - 1), city)
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter a new data for a city number: {0}", currentCityNumber)
                        Console.Write("City name (was {0}; hit ENTER to leave as is): ",
                        textToModify = Console.ReadLine()
                        If textToModify <> "" Then = textToModify
                        Console.Write("Inhabitants (was {0}; hit ENTER to leave as is): ", currentCity.inhabitants)
                        textToModify = Console.ReadLine()
                        If textToModify <> "" Then currentCity.inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(textToModify)
                        cities(currentCityNumber - 1) = currentCity
                    Case "4"
                        Console.Write("Enter the number of the city to modify: ")
                        currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        currentCity = CType(cities(currentCityNumber - 1), city)
                        Console.WriteLine("Insert a new data at {0} position: ", currentCityNumber)
                        Console.Write("City name: ")
               = Console.ReadLine()
                        Console.Write("Inhabitants: ")
                        currentCity.inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        cities.Insert(currentCityNumber - 1, currentCity)
                    Case "5"
                        Console.Write("Enter the city number for delete: ")
                        currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting the number {0}", currentCityNumber)
                        cities.RemoveAt(currentCityNumber - 1)
                    Case "6"
                        Console.Write("Enter the text to search: ")
                        textToSearch = Console.ReadLine()
                        found = False

                        For i As Integer = 0 To cities.Count - 1
                            currentCity = CType(cities(i), city)

                            If >= 0 Then
                                Console.WriteLine("{0} found in {1}", textToSearch,
                                found = True
                            End If

                        If Not found Then Console.WriteLine("Not found.")
                    Case "7"

                        For i As Integer = 0 To cities.Count - 1
                            currentCity = CType(cities(i), city)
                            Dim lowerCaseName As String =
                            Dim correctedName As String = lowerCaseName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() & lowerCaseName.Substring(1)

                            For j As Integer = 1 To correctedName.Length - 2 - 1
                                If correctedName(j) = " "c Then correctedName = correctedName.Substring(0, j) & " " & correctedName.Substring(j + 1, 1).ToUpper() & correctedName.Substring(j + 2)

                   = correctedName

                    Case Else
                        Console.WriteLine("Wrong option ")
                End Select
            Loop While Not finished

            outputFile = File.CreateText("data.dat")

            For i As Integer = 0 To cities.Count - 1
                currentCity = CType(cities(i), city)

        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

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