Función power variables locales
Cree una función denominada "Power" para calcular el resultado de elevar un número entero a otro número (entero positivo). Debe devolver otro número entero. Por ejemplo. Power(2,3) debe devolver 8.
Nota: DEBE usar una estructura repetitiva, como "for" o "while", no puede usar Math.Pow.
Código de Ejemplo
// Importing the System namespace to access basic system functions
using System;
class Program
// Function to calculate the power of a number raised to another number
// It uses a for loop to multiply the base number by itself 'exponent' times
public static int Power(int baseNumber, int exponent)
// Local variable to store the result of the power calculation
int result = 1;
// Repetitive structure (for loop) to multiply the base number by itself 'exponent' times
for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i++)
result *= baseNumber; // Multiply result by baseNumber on each iteration
// Return the result of the power operation
return result;
// Main method where the Power function is called
public static void Main()
// Declare two integers: base and exponent
int baseNumber = 2;
int exponent = 3;
// Call the Power function and print the result
Console.WriteLine("The result of {0} raised to the power of {1} is: {2}", baseNumber, exponent, Power(baseNumber, exponent));