Función modificar una letra de una cadena
Cree una función denominada "ChangeChar" para modificar una letra en una determinada posición (basada en 0) de una cadena, reemplazándola por una letra diferente:
oración de cadena = "Tomate";
ChangeChar(frase de referencia, 5, "a");
Código de Ejemplo
// Importing the System namespace to access basic system functions
using System;
class Program
// Function to modify a character in a string at a given position
public static void ChangeChar(ref string str, int position, string newChar)
// Convert the string into a character array (since strings are immutable in C#)
char[] charArray = str.ToCharArray();
// Replace the character at the specified position with the new character
charArray[position] = newChar[0]; // newChar is assumed to be a single character string
// Convert the character array back to a string and update the original string
str = new string(charArray);
// Main method where the ChangeChar function is called
public static void Main()
// Original string
string sentence = "Tomato";
// Call the ChangeChar function to change the character at position 5 to 'a'
ChangeChar(ref sentence, 5, "a");
// Print the modified string
Console.WriteLine("Modified string: " + sentence);