Classes Student + Teacher C# Exercise - C# Programming Course


Classes Student + Teacher


Write a C# program that include in it the class Person that you just created.

Create a class "Student" and another class "Teacher", both descendants of "Person".

The class "Student" will have a public method "GoToClasses", which will write on screen "I’m going to class."

The class "Teacher" will have a public method "Explain", which will show on screen "Explanation begins". Also, it will have a private attribute "subject", a string.

The class Person must have a method "SetAge (int n)" which will indicate the value of their age (eg, 20 years old).

The student will have a public method "ShowAge" which will write on the screen "My age is: 20 years old" (or the corresponding number).

You must create another test class called "StudentAndTeacherTest" that will contain "Main" and:
Create a Person and make it say hello
Create a student, set his age to 21, tell him to Greet and display his age
Create a teacher, 30 years old, ask him to say hello and then explain.

 Example Code

// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;

// Define the base class Person
public class Person
    // Declare a public integer field for age
    public int age;

    // Define a public method to set the age of the person
    public void SetAge(int n)
        // Assign the value of n to the age field
        age = n;

    // Define a public method for greeting
    public void Greet()
        // Print a greeting message to the console

// Define the derived class Student, inheriting from Person
public class Student : Person
    // Define a public method that indicates the student is going to classes
    public void GoToClasses()
        // Print a message to indicate going to class
        Console.WriteLine("I'm going to class.");

    // Define a public method to show the student's age
    public void ShowAge()
        // Print the age message with the current age
        Console.WriteLine("My age is: " + age + " years old.");

// Define the derived class Teacher, inheriting from Person
public class Teacher : Person
    // Declare a private string field for the subject
    private string subject;

    // Define a public method that indicates the teacher is explaining
    public void Explain()
        // Print a message to indicate that an explanation is beginning
        Console.WriteLine("Explanation begins.");

    // Define a method to set the teacher's subject
    public void SetSubject(string subjectName)
        // Assign the value of subjectName to the subject field
        subject = subjectName;

// Define a test class to execute the program
public class StudentAndTeacherTest
    // Main method to run the program
    public static void Main()
        // Create a Person object and make it say hello
        Person person = new Person();

        // Create a Student object, set its age, greet, and show its age
        Student student = new Student();

        // Create a Teacher object, set its age, greet, and explain
        Teacher teacher = new Teacher();

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