Class Orders
Create a project and the corresponding classes (using several files) for this classes diagram.
Each class must include the attributes and methods shown in the diagram. Consider that all cardinalities are 1:1.
Example Code
// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;
// Define the main class containing all required classes for Orders
public class OrdersDemo
// Define the Customer class with a name attribute and related methods
public class Customer
// Declare a string field to store the customer's name
private string name;
// Constructor to initialize the customer’s name
public Customer(string customerName)
// Set the initial value of the name
name = customerName;
// Public method to get the customer's name
public string GetName()
// Return the customer's name
return name;
// Public method to set the customer's name
public void SetName(string newName)
// Update the name with a new value
name = newName;
// Define the Product class with a description attribute and related methods
public class Product
// Declare a string field to store the product's description
private string description;
// Constructor to initialize the product’s description
public Product(string productDescription)
// Set the initial value of the description
description = productDescription;
// Public method to get the product description
public string GetDescription()
// Return the product's description
return description;
// Public method to set the product description
public void SetDescription(string newDescription)
// Update the description with a new value
description = newDescription;
// Define the OrderDetails class with a quantity attribute and related methods
public class OrderDetails
// Declare an integer field to store the quantity of the order
private int quantity;
// Constructor to initialize the order quantity
public OrderDetails(int orderQuantity)
// Set the initial value of the quantity
quantity = orderQuantity;
// Public method to get the quantity of the order
public int GetQuantity()
// Return the order quantity
return quantity;
// Public method to set the quantity of the order
public void SetQuantity(int newQuantity)
// Update the quantity with a new value
quantity = newQuantity;
// Define the Order class which includes Customer, Product, and OrderDetails
public class Order
// Field to hold the customer associated with this order
private Customer customer;
// Field to hold the product associated with this order
private Product product;
// Field to hold the order details associated with this order
private OrderDetails orderDetails;
// Constructor to initialize the order with customer, product, and order details
public Order(Customer orderCustomer, Product orderProduct, OrderDetails orderDetailsInfo)
// Set the customer for this order
customer = orderCustomer;
// Set the product for this order
product = orderProduct;
// Set the order details for this order
orderDetails = orderDetailsInfo;
// Public method to get the customer of this order
public Customer GetCustomer()
// Return the customer associated with this order
return customer;
// Public method to get the product of this order
public Product GetProduct()
// Return the product associated with this order
return product;
// Public method to get the order details of this order
public OrderDetails GetOrderDetails()
// Return the order details associated with this order
return orderDetails;
// Method to display the details of the order on the console
public void DisplayOrder()
// Print the customer's name
Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: " + customer.GetName());
// Print the product's description
Console.WriteLine("Product Description: " + product.GetDescription());
// Print the quantity ordered
Console.WriteLine("Quantity Ordered: " + orderDetails.GetQuantity());
// Define the Main entry point of the program for testing
public static void Main()
// Create a Customer object with a specified name
Customer customer = new Customer("John Doe");
// Create a Product object with a specified description
Product product = new Product("Laptop Computer");
// Create an OrderDetails object with a specified quantity
OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails(2);
// Create an Order object with the created customer, product, and order details
Order order = new Order(customer, product, orderDetails);
// Display the order details by calling DisplayOrder on the Order object