Class Vehicles
Create a project and the corresponding classes (using several files) for this classes diagram. Each class must include the attributes and methods shown in the diagram, as well as Get and Set methods for Vehicle and "Has" methods ("HasDualSlidingDoors") for MiniVan.
You must create also a test program, which will create an object belonging to each class and tell it to "Drive".
Example Code
// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;
// Define the main class containing all vehicle-related classes
public class VehiclesDemo
// Define the base class Vehicle
public class Vehicle
// Declare a private field for the vehicle's speed
private int speed;
// Declare a private field for the vehicle's color
private string color;
// Define a public method to set the vehicle's speed
public void SetSpeed(int speed)
// Assign the speed parameter to the speed field
this.speed = speed;
// Define a public method to get the vehicle's speed
public int GetSpeed()
// Return the speed of the vehicle
return speed;
// Define a public method to set the vehicle's color
public void SetColor(string color)
// Assign the color parameter to the color field
this.color = color;
// Define a public method to get the vehicle's color
public string GetColor()
// Return the color of the vehicle
return color;
// Define a virtual method for driving
public virtual void Drive()
// Print a message indicating that the vehicle is driving
Console.WriteLine("The vehicle is driving.");
// Define the Car class, inheriting from Vehicle
public class Car : Vehicle
// Declare a private field for the number of doors in the car
private int numberOfDoors;
// Define a public method to set the number of doors
public void SetNumberOfDoors(int doors)
// Assign the doors parameter to the numberOfDoors field
numberOfDoors = doors;
// Define a public method to get the number of doors
public int GetNumberOfDoors()
// Return the number of doors
return numberOfDoors;
// Override the Drive method to specify that a car is driving
public override void Drive()
// Print a message indicating that the car is driving
Console.WriteLine("The car is driving.");
// Define the Truck class, inheriting from Vehicle
public class Truck : Vehicle
// Declare a private field for the load capacity of the truck
private int loadCapacity;
// Define a public method to set the load capacity
public void SetLoadCapacity(int capacity)
// Assign the capacity parameter to the loadCapacity field
loadCapacity = capacity;
// Define a public method to get the load capacity
public int GetLoadCapacity()
// Return the load capacity
return loadCapacity;
// Override the Drive method to specify that a truck is driving
public override void Drive()
// Print a message indicating that the truck is driving
Console.WriteLine("The truck is driving.");
// Define the MiniVan class, inheriting from Vehicle
public class MiniVan : Vehicle
// Declare a private field to indicate if the minivan has dual sliding doors
private bool hasDualSlidingDoors;
// Define a public method to set if the minivan has dual sliding doors
public void SetDualSlidingDoors(bool hasDoors)
// Assign the hasDoors parameter to the hasDualSlidingDoors field
hasDualSlidingDoors = hasDoors;
// Define a public method to check if the minivan has dual sliding doors
public bool HasDualSlidingDoors()
// Return true if the minivan has dual sliding doors
return hasDualSlidingDoors;
// Override the Drive method to specify that a minivan is driving
public override void Drive()
// Print a message indicating that the minivan is driving
Console.WriteLine("The minivan is driving.");
// Define the main entry point of the program
public static void Main()
// Create a Vehicle object, set attributes, and call the Drive method
Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
// Create a Car object, set attributes, and call the Drive method
Car car = new Car();
// Create a Truck object, set attributes, and call the Drive method
Truck truck = new Truck();
// Create a MiniVan object, set attributes, and call the Drive method
MiniVan minivan = new MiniVan();