Class Square
Complete the project named "Shapes", adding a class named "Square" to it. For each square, we will store its starting X and Y coordinates (the upper left corner, already stored as a "Location") and the length of its side.
You will have to create:
- A suitable constructor, to assign starting values to X, Y and the side. (2 points)
- A Move method, to change X and Y coordinates. (1 point)
- A Scale method, to change its side (for example, a scale factor of 2 would turn a side of 3 into 6). (1 point)
- A method ToString, to return a string with its data (for example: "Corner (10,5), side 7". (1 point)
- Redefine "GetPerimeter" and "GetArea", so that they return the correct values (2 points).
- Another point corresponds to the attributes and the overall structure.
- The remaining 2 points correspond to the test from "Main"
You must deliver a ZIP file containing the entire project.
Example Code
// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;
// Define the main class containing the Square class and main program logic
public class ShapesDemo
// Define the Square class to represent a square shape
public class Square
// Declare an integer field for the X coordinate of the square
private int x;
// Declare an integer field for the Y coordinate of the square
private int y;
// Declare an integer field for the length of the side of the square
private int side;
// Define a constructor to initialize X, Y, and side length
public Square(int startX, int startY, int sideLength)
// Set the initial X coordinate
x = startX;
// Set the initial Y coordinate
y = startY;
// Set the initial side length
side = sideLength;
// Define a method to move the square by changing X and Y coordinates
public void Move(int newX, int newY)
// Update the X coordinate with new value
x = newX;
// Update the Y coordinate with new value
y = newY;
// Define a method to scale the square by multiplying the side by a factor
public void Scale(int scaleFactor)
// Multiply the side length by the scale factor
side *= scaleFactor;
// Override the ToString method to return the square's data as a string
public override string ToString()
// Return a string representation of the square's location and side
return $"Corner ({x},{y}), side {side}";
// Define a method to get the perimeter of the square
public int GetPerimeter()
// Calculate and return the perimeter of the square
return 4 * side;
// Define a method to get the area of the square
public int GetArea()
// Calculate and return the area of the square
return side * side;
// Define the main entry point of the program for testing
public static void Main()
// Create a Square object with initial X, Y, and side length
Square mySquare = new Square(10, 5, 7);
// Display the square's initial data by calling ToString
// Move the square to new X and Y coordinates
mySquare.Move(20, 15);
// Display the square's new location and same side length
// Scale the square's side by a factor of 2
// Display the updated data of the square
// Display the perimeter of the square
Console.WriteLine("Perimeter: " + mySquare.GetPerimeter());
// Display the area of the square
Console.WriteLine("Area: " + mySquare.GetArea());