Matriz de objetos: tabla
Cree una clase denominada "Table". Debe tener un constructor, indicando el ancho y alto de la placa. Tendrá un método "ShowData" que escribirá en la pantalla el ancho y la altura de la tabla. Cree una matriz que contenga 10 tablas, con tamaños aleatorios entre 50 y 200 cm, y muestre todos los datos.
Código de Ejemplo
// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;
public class ArrayOfObjectsDemo
// Define the Table class
public class Table
// Integer fields to store the width and height of the table
private int width;
private int height;
// Constructor to initialize the table's width and height
public Table(int tableWidth, int tableHeight)
// Set the width of the table
width = tableWidth;
// Set the height of the table
height = tableHeight;
// Method to show the table's width and height
public void ShowData()
// Display the width and height of the table
Console.WriteLine($"Width: {width} cm, Height: {height} cm");
// Define the Main entry point of the program for testing
public static void Main()
// Create an array to hold 10 Table objects
Table[] tables = new Table[10];
// Create a random number generator for generating table sizes
Random random = new Random();
// Loop to populate the array with 10 tables having random sizes between 50 and 200 cm
for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++)
// Randomly generate width and height between 50 and 200 cm
int width = random.Next(50, 201);
int height = random.Next(50, 201);
// Create a new Table object with the generated width and height and add it to the array
tables[i] = new Table(width, height);
// Display the data for each table in the array
for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Table {i + 1}:");
// Call the ShowData method to display the table's dimensions
Console.WriteLine(); // Print an empty line for separation