Punto 3D
Cree una clase "Point3D", para representar un punto en el espacio 3D, con coordenadas X, Y y Z. Debe contener los siguientes métodos:
MoveTo, que cambiará las coordenadas en las que se encuentra el punto.
DistanceTo(Point3D p2), para calcular la distancia a otro punto.
ToString, que devolverá una cadena similar a "(2,-7,0)"
Y, por supuesto, getters y setters.
El programa de prueba debe crear una matriz de 5 puntos, obtener datos para ellos y calcular (y mostrar) la distancia desde el primer punto hasta los cuatro restantes.
Código de Ejemplo
// Importing the System namespace to handle basic functionalities and console output
using System;
// Creating the class to represent a point in 3D space
public class Point3D
// Declaring the coordinates of the point (X, Y, Z) in 3D space
private double x;
private double y;
private double z;
// Constructor to initialize the point with given coordinates (X, Y, Z)
public Point3D(double x, double y, double z)
this.x = x; // Setting the X coordinate
this.y = y; // Setting the Y coordinate
this.z = z; // Setting the Z coordinate
// Getter for the X coordinate
public double X
get { return x; } // Returning the X coordinate value
set { x = value; } // Setting the X coordinate value
// Getter for the Y coordinate
public double Y
get { return y; } // Returning the Y coordinate value
set { y = value; } // Setting the Y coordinate value
// Getter for the Z coordinate
public double Z
get { return z; } // Returning the Z coordinate value
set { z = value; } // Setting the Z coordinate value
// Method to move the point to a new location by changing its coordinates
public void MoveTo(double newX, double newY, double newZ)
x = newX; // Updating the X coordinate to the new value
y = newY; // Updating the Y coordinate to the new value
z = newZ; // Updating the Z coordinate to the new value
// Method to calculate the distance from this point to another point
public double DistanceTo(Point3D p2)
// Calculating the difference in the X coordinates between this point and the other point
double dx = x - p2.X;
// Calculating the difference in the Y coordinates between this point and the other point
double dy = y - p2.Y;
// Calculating the difference in the Z coordinates between this point and the other point
double dz = z - p2.Z;
// Using the 3D distance formula to calculate the distance between the two points
return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); // Returning the calculated distance
// Method to return a string representation of the point in the format (X, Y, Z)
public override string ToString()
return $"({x},{y},{z})"; // Returning the string with the X, Y, Z coordinates in parentheses
// Auxiliary class containing the Main method to test the functionality of the Point3D class
public class Program
public static void Main()
// Creating an array of 5 Point3D objects to store the points
Point3D[] points = new Point3D[5];
// Loop to gather input for each point from the user
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// Asking the user to input the coordinates for the current point
Console.WriteLine($"Enter the coordinates for Point {i + 1}:");
// Asking for the X coordinate and storing the input as a double
Console.Write("X: ");
double x = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
// Asking for the Y coordinate and storing the input as a double
Console.Write("Y: ");
double y = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
// Asking for the Z coordinate and storing the input as a double
Console.Write("Z: ");
double z = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
// Creating a new Point3D object with the entered coordinates and storing it in the array
points[i] = new Point3D(x, y, z);
// Storing the first point from the array to calculate distances from it
Point3D firstPoint = points[0];
// Displaying a message about the distances
Console.WriteLine("\nDistances from the first point to the others:");
// Loop to calculate and display the distance from the first point to the remaining points
for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
// Calling the DistanceTo method to calculate the distance from the first point to the current point
double distance = firstPoint.DistanceTo(points[i]);
// Displaying the calculated distance from the first point to the current point
Console.WriteLine($"Distance from Point 1 to Point {i + 1}: {distance:F2} units");