Catálogo Ejercicio C# - Curso de Programación C# (C Sharp)




Cree el diagrama de clases y, a continuación, con Visual Studio, un proyecto y las clases correspondientes para una utilidad de catálogo:

Podrá almacenar información sobre archivos de música, películas y programas informáticos.
Para cada artículo, debe almacenar: nombre, código, categoría y tamaño. Para las películas también debe tener el director, el actor principal y la actriz principal. Para archivos de música, el cantante y la duración (en segundos). Para música y películas debe tener un método "Play" (aún no implementado) y también un método "RetrieveInformation", que (en una versión posterior) se conectará a un servidor de Internet para obtener información al respecto.
Use la herencia si es necesario. En "Main", cree matrices de cada tipo de objeto.

 Código de Ejemplo

// Importing the System namespace for input/output functionalities
using System;

// Base class for catalog items
public class CatalogItem
    // Private fields for the name, code, category, and size
    private string name;
    private string code;
    private string category;
    private double size;

    // Constructor to initialize the catalog item with necessary information
    public CatalogItem(string name, string code, string category, double size)
    { = name; // Setting the name of the item
        this.code = code; // Setting the code of the item
        this.category = category; // Setting the category (e.g., Music, Film, Program)
        this.size = size; // Setting the size of the item

    // Method to simulate playing the item (not yet implemented)
    public virtual void Play()
        Console.WriteLine("Playing item...");

    // Method to simulate retrieving information about the item from an internet server (not yet implemented)
    public virtual void RetrieveInformation()
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving information...");

    // Getter for the name
    public string GetName() => name;

    // Getter for the code
    public string GetCode() => code;

    // Getter for the category
    public string GetCategory() => category;

    // Getter for the size
    public double GetSize() => size;

// Derived class for music files
public class Music : CatalogItem
    // Additional fields specific to music
    private string singer;
    private double length; // Length in seconds

    // Constructor to initialize a music item
    public Music(string name, string code, string category, double size, string singer, double length)
        : base(name, code, category, size) // Calling the base class constructor
        this.singer = singer; // Setting the singer's name
        this.length = length; // Setting the length of the music file in seconds

    // Overriding the Play method for music
    public override void Play()
        Console.WriteLine($"Playing music by {singer} for {length} seconds...");

    // Overriding the RetrieveInformation method for music
    public override void RetrieveInformation()
        Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving information about the music by {singer}...");

    // Getter for the singer's name
    public string GetSinger() => singer;

    // Getter for the length of the music file
    public double GetLength() => length;

// Derived class for films
public class Film : CatalogItem
    // Additional fields specific to films
    private string director;
    private string mainActor;
    private string mainActress;

    // Constructor to initialize a film item
    public Film(string name, string code, string category, double size, string director, string mainActor, string mainActress)
        : base(name, code, category, size) // Calling the base class constructor
        this.director = director; // Setting the director's name
        this.mainActor = mainActor; // Setting the main actor's name
        this.mainActress = mainActress; // Setting the main actress's name

    // Overriding the Play method for films
    public override void Play()
        Console.WriteLine($"Playing film directed by {director} with {mainActor} and {mainActress}...");

    // Overriding the RetrieveInformation method for films
    public override void RetrieveInformation()
        Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving information about the film directed by {director}...");

    // Getter for the director's name
    public string GetDirector() => director;

    // Getter for the main actor's name
    public string GetMainActor() => mainActor;

    // Getter for the main actress's name
    public string GetMainActress() => mainActress;

// Derived class for computer programs
public class ComputerProgram : CatalogItem
    // Constructor to initialize a computer program item
    public ComputerProgram(string name, string code, string category, double size)
        : base(name, code, category, size) // Calling the base class constructor

    // Overriding the RetrieveInformation method for computer programs
    public override void RetrieveInformation()
        Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving information about the computer program...");

// Main class to test the catalog system
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Creating an array of music items
        Music[] musicItems = new Music[2]
            new Music("Song1", "M001", "Music", 5.2, "Singer1", 200),
            new Music("Song2", "M002", "Music", 4.8, "Singer2", 180)

        // Creating an array of film items
        Film[] filmItems = new Film[2]
            new Film("Film1", "F001", "Film", 700, "Director1", "Actor1", "Actress1"),
            new Film("Film2", "F002", "Film", 800, "Director2", "Actor2", "Actress2")

        // Creating an array of computer programs
        ComputerProgram[] programItems = new ComputerProgram[2]
            new ComputerProgram("Program1", "P001", "Program", 150),
            new ComputerProgram("Program2", "P002", "Program", 200)

        // Displaying the information of each item in the arrays
        foreach (var music in musicItems)
            Console.WriteLine($"{music.GetName()} - {music.GetCategory()}");
            music.Play(); // Playing the music
            music.RetrieveInformation(); // Retrieving information about the music

        foreach (var film in filmItems)
            Console.WriteLine($"{film.GetName()} - {film.GetCategory()}");
            film.Play(); // Playing the film
            film.RetrieveInformation(); // Retrieving information about the film

        foreach (var program in programItems)
            Console.WriteLine($"{program.GetName()} - {program.GetCategory()}");
            program.RetrieveInformation(); // Retrieving information about the program

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Juan A. Ripoll - Tutoriales y Cursos de Programacion© 2025 Todos los derechos reservados.  Condiciones legales.