Data Structures and Collections

In this topic, you will learn how to work with the main **data structures** and **collections** in Java. Through practical examples, you will discover how to use **lists**, **sets**, **maps**, and **stacks** to efficiently store, organize, and manipulate data. This knowledge is essential for solving complex programming problems, as it allows you to choose the most appropriate structure for each case. Mastering collections in Java will allow you to write more efficient and optimized code for your applications.

  • Arrays and Matrices

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that uses arrays and matrices to store and manipulate data. First, you will create a one-dimensional array that will hold a series of numbers, and then perform operations such as summing all the array elements. Next, you will create a two-dimensional array (an array of arrays) to store a table of values, and practice accessing and modifying the array elements. Finally, you will print the results to the console to demonstrate the use of arrays and matrices in your program.

  • Lists, Sets and Maps (ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap)

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that demonstrates the use of **Lists**, **Sets**, and **Maps**. First, you will create a **List** to store an ordered collection of items, a **Set** to store single, unordered items, and a **Map** to associate keys with values. Next, you will implement operations such as adding, removing, and accessing items in these collections, as well as performing searches and modifications within them. This exercise will help you understand how and when to use these data structures in a Java program.

  • Iterators and Cycles over Collections

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that uses **iterators** and **loops** to iterate through various collections such as **Lists**, **Sets**, and **Maps**. First, you will create a **List** collection, then use a **for** or **foreach** loop to iterate through the elements of the collection and display their contents. Next, you will implement a **while** loop to iterate over a **Set** and a **Map** using an **iterator**. This exercise will help you understand how to efficiently iterate through collections in Java and apply best practices when working with large amounts of data.

  • Stacks and Queues

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that implements the **Stacks** and **Queues** data structures. You will start by creating a **Stack** class that allows you to stack and pop elements. Then, you will create a **Queue** class that allows you to insert and remove elements in the proper order. Finally, you will implement a program that demonstrates how to use both structures to manipulate data efficiently and orderly.

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