Web Development with Java

In this topic, you'll learn the fundamentals of web development with Java, exploring technologies such as servlets, JSPs, and modern frameworks like Spring. You'll implement a dynamic web application, handling HTTP requests, processing data on the server, and generating appropriate responses. This topic will help you understand how to structure web applications in Java and improve your backend programming skills.

  • Servlets and JSP

    In this exercise, you will develop a Java web application using servlets and JSPs. You will implement a servlet that processes HTTP requests, handles form data, and displays the information in a JSP page. This exercise will help you understand how servlets interact with JSPs to generate dynamic content in web applications.

  • Spring Boot Basics

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program using Spring Boot to develop a simple web application. The goal is to familiarize yourself with configuring a Spring Boot project, creating controllers, and managing HTTP routes. You will begin by creating a Spring Boot project, configuring a controller to handle web requests, and returning a simple response. This exercise will help you understand the fundamental principles of Spring Boot and how to get started building web applications with Java.

  • Consuming REST APIs

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that consumes an external REST API using the RestTemplate or HttpClient libraries. The program will make an HTTP GET request to a public API and process the response in JSON format. You will start by setting up your development environment, make the HTTP request to the API, and parse the response data to extract relevant information and display it in the console. This exercise will help you understand how to consume web services through REST APIs from Java applications.

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