Threads and Concurrency

In this topic, you'll learn how to work with threads and concurrency in Java to run multiple tasks simultaneously. You'll discover how to create, manage, and synchronize threads to improve the performance of your applications by allowing them to perform multiple operations simultaneously without interference.

  • Basic Threading Concepts

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that demonstrates thread creation and execution using the Thread class. First, you will create a class that extends Thread and implements its run() method. Then, in the main method, you will create objects of this class and start them to execute tasks in parallel. Finally, you will learn how to manage concurrent thread execution to improve your application's performance.

  • Using Thread and Runnable

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that demonstrates how to use the **Thread** and **Runnable** classes to run multiple threads. First, you will implement a class that implements the **Runnable** interface, and then you will create a **Thread** object to run code in parallel. Next, you will use the **Thread** class directly to manage threads. Throughout this exercise, you will see how both options allow you to run code concurrently, improving the performance of your application.

  • Synchronization and Concurrency

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that demonstrates the use of synchronization and concurrency to handle access to shared resources among multiple threads. You will use the synchronized mechanism to ensure that only one thread at a time can access critical methods. Additionally, you will learn how to use the wait() and notify() methods to coordinate thread execution and enable communication between threads.

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