Functional Programming and Lambda Expressions

In this topic, you'll learn how to use **Lambda Expressions** and **functional programming** in Java to improve the readability and efficiency of your code. You'll become familiar with concepts such as **higher-order functions**, **method references**, and the **Streams API** to manipulate data collections in a declarative and concise manner.

  • Introduction to Functional Programming in JAVA

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that uses Lambda Expressions and Streams to perform operations on collections. First, you will create a list of integers and then apply different transformations using Streams, such as filtering, mapping, and reducing. You will then implement Lambda Expressions to simplify the implementation of operations. This exercise will help you understand how to apply functional programming in Java and take advantage of its benefits in terms of code conciseness and clarity.

  • Lambda Expressions

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that uses Lambda Expressions to perform operations on collections. First, you will define a list of integers and then use a Lambda expression to filter out even numbers. Next, you will apply another Lambda expression to sort the numbers in ascending order. Finally, you will print the results to demonstrate how Lambda Expressions make these tasks more concise and functional.

  • Streams and Functional Operations

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that implements **Custom Exceptions**. To do this, you will define an **exception class** called InsufficientBalanceException, which will be triggered when a user attempts to withdraw more money than they have available in their bank account. Then, you will implement a BankAccount class with a withdraw() method that will throw this exception when necessary.

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