Databases and JDBC

In this topic, you'll learn how to connect your Java application to a database using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Through practical examples, you'll execute SQL queries and manipulate the results, giving you a basic understanding of database interaction in Java applications. This knowledge is essential for developing applications that efficiently manage and store data.

  • Connecting to Databases with JDBC

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that connects to a database using JDBC. First, you will configure the database connection and then execute an SQL query to retrieve data from a specific table. You will then process the query results and display them in the console. Throughout the exercise, you will learn how to handle exceptions and properly close connections to ensure the application runs smoothly.

  • SQL queries from JAVA

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that connects to a database using JDBC. The program will execute SQL queries to retrieve data and then display the results. You will begin by establishing a connection to the database, execute a SELECT query, and process the returned data. This exercise will help you understand how to integrate databases into Java applications, using SQL queries to interact with the data effectively.

  • Managing Connections and Transactions

    In this exercise, you will create a Java program that connects to a database using JDBC. The program will execute SQL queries to retrieve data and then display the results. You will begin by establishing a connection to the database, execute a SELECT query, and process the returned data. This exercise will help you understand how to integrate databases into Java applications, using SQL queries to interact with the data effectively.

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